Branding: Case Study for Moosic City Ice Cream & Waffles

The branding process is a process that many business owners are not too familiar with. Everyone knows you need a logo to start out with but what does that really entail? In this brief overview we will be going over the essentials of creating a foundation that really makes up an effective brand.

We will be showcasing a logo design project that has been in effect for almost a year now:

Moosic City Ice Cream & Waffles

To start this process the client came to us with ideas for a unique Ice Cream & Waffles food truck. They wanted the business to reflect a family friendly mood that could stand out from the many dessert food trucks in Nashville. They had the great idea of a whimsical mascot to represent their business in classic colors that represented what they were trying to achieve.

Our approach was to do exactly that. We wanted bold and delicious colors to be the focal point of the logo with vintage-like typography and a custom illustration of a friendly cow. We combined all of these elements into an inviting logo that suited exactly what they do best. The illustration went through a series of changes finally landing at an image that was similar to the famous Piggly Wiggly mascot.


After creating the perfect mascot we focused on finding the right typography and colors to support this design. We went with a very fun, vintage script font and paired it with a strong decorative serif font to give it the impact it needed. The colors were easy, the client already had a clear idea of a creamy color to accent the bold classic red that is common in the food industry.

And of course, we needed a brand pattern. We customized a super fun illustrative pattern that showcased all of their treats; ice cream, waffles, coffees and sodas in a way that could be used in multiple scenarios from digital backgrounds to physical products.


With all of the elements in place we were able to come up with supplementary designs that just made sense with their business. This scenario in particular we chose to do designs for merchandise and apparel, products like coffee cups, and signage for if they ever wanted to expand to a brick and mortar store. Not to mention the most important element which was the food truck design. We used a combination of their brand pattern with some classic Nashville skyline graphics to make a very inviting and trendy look for the business.

So in conclusion, after a year of effective branding and a great product, Moosic City Ice Cream and Waffles has expanded their reach with catering and added new assets to the business including a super cool Ice Cream Tricycle decked out in full branding. They are building brand recognition and visibility everyday thanks to a consistent image and killer tasty treats. Check them out at to see where they’ll be next!

If you’re ready to elevate your business and help your bottomline head on over to Whether you’re looking to fully rebrand or just update your identity, we have the answers.

Richard Novia